Review – The Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide

Last updated on May 4th, 2024 at 08:02 pm

In case, you can’t guess by the name: The Beach Angler, I love surf fishing. Now, maybe you are new to surf fishing or not even sure what it is. In that case, check out my article: What is Surf Fishing, and that should get you a good overview on the subject. I’ve recently come across the “Ultimate Quick Start Guide to Surf Fishing” by Randy Meyers. I thought I would give you my take on the course and see if it would be something worth checking out for yourself.

There are very few, if any, other courses out there on the subject of surf fishing. Randy has been running the beaches for over 40 years and shares all of his accumulated knowledge in this Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide. Everything from where to fish, what to use, gear checklists and when the bite is best, It’s all here in this comprehensive guide.

The Utimate Quick Start Guide to Surf Fishing

Have you ever thought you’d like to go surf fishing or wish you new more about it? Are you interested in learning how to easily find, hook and land more fish on any beach? Would you like to know all the surf fishing tips and techniques of the old salts. If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then “The Ultimate Quick Start Guide to Surf Fishing” might just be what you’re looking for.

“Old Salt” Randy Meyers has put together a proven system to help you identify where the fish are holding and how to go after them. This system works on any beach, anywhere in the world, whether you’re an experienced angler or complete beginner. He covers everything from finding the best spots on the beach to fish, finding and catching bait, gear and equipment checklists, to reading the tides and beach.

The course is available by download, so you can print it off a home or just read it from your computer or smart phone. It normally sells for $24.95, which is very reasonable for all the instruction you get, but for a limited time, Randy is offering the full course plus 4 bonuses at a discounted price of: $19.95.

About The Author – Randy Meyers

Randy Meyers is 63 years old and has been an avid surf angler for over 40 years. He has spent many days pounding the beach and chatting with the old salts, some would say that at 63, he qualifies as an old salt himself. 😉 It dawned on him, that there was no books or courses on the subject of Surf Fishing. No place to turn for the novice that might be interested in taking up the sport.

That’s when he came up with the idea for this Guide. He put everything he knows and has learned over the last 40 years packaged it into a system that’s easy to lean and apply for anyone from beginner to “old salt”. If you use his system, you too will be able to find and land more fish than you ever thought possible. It’s all here in an easy to follow downloadable guide called, “Surf Fishing, The Quick Start Guide To This Exciting Sport”.

Learn Surf Fishing

Learn Surf Fishing – The Quick Start Guide

I know you’ve been to your local tackle shop and seen the tons and tons of gear. If you’re new to surf fishing, you probably think: “What should I get”? ”This looks good, maybe I should try that”. “Wow, there’s a lot of different hooks & sinkers, I wonder which ones I need”? One guy says, “You can’t beat the… for catching….”. Another guy says, “that never works, you need try…..”. Now what? Well, your right back where you started.

You have no clue and you don’t know where to start. You’ve tried everything that was supposed to catch fish but it doesn’t work for you. Sure, you get lucky once in a while and catch a few fish. But you are probably wondering why you can’t seem to go out and consistently catch fish.

Rex McMahon with a Blacktip Shark. Surf Fishing Guide Review
Small blacktip shark, one of many species of sharks along the Texas beach front.
Rex McMahon with a nice surf caught Black Drum. Surf Fishing Guide Review
Author with a nice slot black drum.

What if you had something to teach you everything you needed to know? Show you what to do, when to do it and put it all together in an easy to understand system that you could use yourself? Well, Randy Meyers has done just that and you can use his system to find and land more fish than you ever thought possible.

Randy has complied all of his 40+ years of surf fishing experience and knowledge into an easy to follow downloadable guide called, “Surf Fishing, The Quick Start Guide To This Exciting Sport”.

In it Randy will teach you:

  • How to read the surf and determine where the fish are.
  • How to know when to change what to you’re doing and when to do it.
  • How to know the best times to fish and when the bite will be on
  • How and where to get live bait free and easy.
  • How to target the best spots on any beach for the best results.
  • How to make your own surf rigs for live bait.
  • What the best live baits are and how to rig them.
  • Casting techniques to get the distance you need.
  • And much, much more.
Redfish two at a time. Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide Review

Plus Get These Four – Limited Time Bonuses FREE.

Free Bonus #1

  • The Complete Surf Fishing Tackle Box Check List

This Tackle Box Checklist will set you up with everything you need to get started without buying any useless stuff that never works. It’ll save you time and money. It has all the essential surf gear you need to catch everything from surf perch to Tiger Sharks

Surf rods in Anglers Fish n Mate 6 rod vehicle rod rack. Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide Review
essential gear 😉

Free Bonus #2

  • Working Tidal Movements To Catch More Redfish

Tides have a big impact on the movements and feeding habits of Redfish. When you understand how to work the tides and locate the Redfish in the surf zone, you’ll be catching more Redfish than you ever thought possible. You can read my article on surf fishing and tides here as well.

Bull Redfish from the surf. Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide Review.
Nice “oversized” bull redfish CPR

Free Bonus #3

  • How To Use Plastic Eels For Hot Cobia Action

This plastic eel setup is dynamite for Cobia. When the Cobia are running, I guarantee you’ll catch one right after another with it. This guide clearly explains what to get and how to make it.

Free Bonus #4

  • Surprise Bonus 😉

Bonus #4 is a special surprise. I guarantee you’ll love this.

All in all, a great course and package of bonuses when you add it all up. The question you have to answer for your self is: “Is it worth it to me?”

Cobia caught from the surf. Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide Review
Cobia from the Beach – photo courtesy of

Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide – Is It Worth It?

If you buy Randy’s “Ultimate Guide to Surf Fishing” and apply his knowledge, you will start catching fish, I mean really good fish. The kind that gives you an adrenalin rush. Then you’ll be thanking him for putting together the best surfing fishing course and guide to be found anywhere.There’s nothing else like it available anywhere…… not in the surf mags, not on the TV shows.

Fishing Padre Island Texas. Surf Fishing Quick start guide review
Setting the long rods in the surf

Randy guarantees that his system will teach you everything you need to know about surf fishing, including how to find, hook, and land, more and bigger fish that you ever thought possible. You’ll be BLOWN AWAY with how simple it really is to not only locate where the fish are but how to go after them.

To think you can get over 40 years of knowledge and experience for less than twenty bucks, it’s really a no brainer. Plus the four extra bonuses if you order now, during his special offer, make this a great deal that yo don’t want to miss. I know you’re probably thinking: That sounds like some bold promises, but what if It doesn’t deliver?”

Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide Review, money back guarantee

Well, I have some good news, Randy offers a full 60 day 100% money back guarantee. Download his Surf Fishing Quick Start Guide, use it for a full two months, and if you are not satisfied that Randy know his stuff, simply contact him for a full refund of your purchase. And, you get to keep the course!!

Final Verdict – It’s A Great Course!

It really is a great course and at less than $20 it will save you more than that on your first visit to the tackle store and bait shop. If you are new to surf fishing or thinking of giving it a try, this course would be a great place to start and jump start your learning curve and fishing success.

JT McMahon fishing the surf of Padre Island Texas. Surf Fishing Quick Start guide review
J.T. McMahon, my Dad 80+ and still going strong

Think of the best, most successful fisherman on the beach. The guy who always catches fish. The “old salt” that’s been around as long as you can remember. Well, imagine getting all of his knowledge and experiences to use and apply yourself. That’s what you get with Randy Meyers’ “Surf Fishing the Ultimate Guide to this Exciting Sport”

I recommend it for novice or experienced anglers alike. There is always more we can learn. And, you really have nothing to lose. With a full 60 day money back guarantee you can head to the beach and try it out for yourself. Now go catch some fish and let me know what you think of Randy’s course.

As always, be safe, enjoy the journey and please try to leave it cleaner than you found it. If you have any questions, comments, ideas or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section below and I will get back to you ASAP. You can follow on: Facebook: Rex The Beach Angler, Instagram: thebeachangler7 and Twitter: @AnglerBeach

Young lady fishing the beach front. Surf Fishing Course review.

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