7 Top Electric Fishing Reels For Saltwater

Electric Fishing Reels for Saltwater - A Lady angler in a pink bikini sitting on the back of a boat between two electric fishing reels

Electric fishing reels? Yes, they really do exist. This is just another example of how technology has transformed the sport of saltwater fishing. Electric fishing reels are no longer novelties; they’ve become powerful tools that can give anglers the upper hand. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Electric fishing reels are designed for specialized fishing situations, like deep dropping … Read more

3 Critical Factors to Surf Fishing For Steelhead Or Chasing Rainbows With Attitudes

surf fishing for steelhead featured image. Angler casting from the beach and an inset photo of him holding a nice steelhead caught in the surf

Have you ever tried surf fishing for Steelhead? Steelhead trout, also known as ocean-going rainbow trout or sea trout, spend part of their lives in saltwater. And, if you know when and where to look, you can catch them in the surf. QUICK LOOK: Steelhead returning to spawning rivers from spending time in the open ocean … Read more

Tips For King Mackerel Fishing From The Beach

Tips for King Mackerel Fishing - Lady angler standing in the bow of a boat holding up a large king mackerel by it's tail

One of the great things about living along the Texas Gulf Coast is the abundant fishing opportunities it provides. King Mackerel fishing is a prime example. Typically you fish for king mackerel offshore or nearshore by trolling or drifting. There are times, however, when king mackerel venture close to shore and can be caught from … Read more

3 Tips For Long-Distance Casting While Surf Fishing

Long-distance casting featured image showing surf angler making an overhand cast

Casting distance, when it comes to surf fishing, can be the difference between catching fish and just fishing. Distance matters because it allows you to cover more water and reach the fish hanging just out of reach of most surf anglers. If you’ve been surf fishing long, no doubt you have come across a school … Read more

The Evolution Of Saltwater Fly Fishing In 2024 And Beyond

Saltwater Fly fishing - Casey Smartt of caseysmartt.com fly fishing the Texas surf

Saltwater fly fishing continues to grow in popularity. Evolving from the traditions of freshwater fly fishing, it has developed its own specialized gear and following. We’re going to take a look at the gear, techniques, and applications to see just what the attraction is to catching saltwater fish with a buggy whip. 😉 QUICK LOOK: … Read more

3 Fundamental Tips For Catching Redfish From The Surf

Catching redfish from the surf featured image - Ken Kuhn holding a nice slot redfish caught from the Padre Island surf

Redfish, also known as red drum, are a popular game fish along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the US. They frequent bays, estuaries, offshore structures, and are also common in the surf. However, knowing where to find them and when they’re likely to bite is key to catching them. Follow along and we’ll go … Read more

Top 6 Goto Saltwater Lures For Surf Fishing

Top saltwater lures for surf fishing featured image - bikini-clad lady angler wading in the water off the beach and in the process of casting her lure into the surf.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m fishing, I’ll use whatever I can to catch fish. It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s live bait, cut bait, synthetic baits, or artificials. However, there is something special about using Lures for surf fishing and being able to fool fish with plastic and metal imitations. There … Read more

6 Safety Tips For Dealing With Marine Wildlife When Saltwater Fishing

Dealing with Marine wildlife while fishing - Photo of a fisherman holding up a large yellow tail and a sealion coming up out of the water to grab it from him.

I spend many a day fishing in the bays, on the beaches, and offshore waters. The thrill, excitement, and anticipation of saltwater fishing are hard to match, but there are a variety of marine wildlife species that we need to be aware of on our angling adventures. Some can be dangerous and some we can … Read more

6 Of The Best Shimano Baitcasting Reels For Saltwater Fishing

Shimano Baitcasting reels for saltwater fishing - depicts a lady angler standing at the back of a boat fishing with a Shimano baitcasting reel

I’ve been fishing ever since I learned to walk, and if there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s that Shimano stands out in the world of fishing. I’ve owned, fished with, and still fish with many a Shimano reel over my many years. For decades, Shimano has crafted some of the most reliable and innovative … Read more