Take Your Dad Fishing – Amazing Padre Island National Seashore 06-12-2020

Last updated on March 29th, 2024 at 08:45 pm

We all have heard the phrase, “take a kid fishing”, and that is a great idea, but as you get older, don’t forget to take dad fishing. As a kid I was fortunate enough to have a family that spent a lot of time being in the outdoors, including fishing. They have pictures of me crawling around in the sand on the beach in diapers at a very early age 🙂 My dad let me tag along with him on fishing trips my whole life and create a lifetime of memories.

Now it’s nearly 60 years later, and not only is it my turn to take my kids fishing, it’s time to take my dad fishing. He’s now in his 80s so it’s easier for me to do the planning, loading and preparations for our trips. And, we are still making memories. Looking to make as many more as possible. If you’re new to beach fishing, its a great sport, but it does take some additional planning and preparation. I have an article on what is surf fishing you can check out here to get some pointers.

dad fishing
Dad with a nice red, early 1960s
Author with a nice slot redfish 2018

Born and Raised in the Outdoors

Born and raised into an outdoor family, I have spent many days hunting and fishing with family and friends, and many weekends and family vacations as a kid on the Padre Island National seashore, even before it was a National Seashore. Taking someone fishing, whether it’s a kid or adult, you just might be starting a lifetime of fun and memories for you both.

I have many wonderful memories of these times and a special fondness for PINS. It’s almost like I’m returning home, every time I make a trip down island. Recently, we made another trip to the island with a good friend to do some fishing and camping. Checking the weather and our schedules, all was looking good so time to take dad fishing.

padre island national seashore
Beautiful fishing weather

From Tagging Along with Dad to Taking Dad Fishing

The weekend of June 12-14th was looking good weather wise, so I called my dad to see if he was up for a beach fishing trip. He is retired, but still keeps busy with a variety of projects so once he checked his schedule and found it clear he was a go for fishing.

fishing PINS
Fishing Padre Island National Seashore

We’ve come full circle from the days of me tagging along with dad fishing, to me bringing dad along with me. So this trip I loaded the gear and made the preparations, so when dad arrived, all we had to do was load his gear into the truck and head out. Friday afternoon by 1:00 pm we were loaded and headed to the National Seashore, just south of Corpus Christi Texas.

Shared Adventures

Dad and I have many shared adventures, memories and stories of out trips down Padre Island. In the early days, you were almost alone on the island. Now of course, there are many more people using the island so it’s not as isolated or remote as it used to be, and in some ways I miss the old days.

Lady with a upper slot redfish - Her dad took the time to take her fishing
Dad showing his daughter a large Red Snapper - Take Your Dad Fishing

This trip, our friend Gerry Gerwick got a head start and met us down island, we caught up with him in the 30’s (meaning 30+ miles down the island) he hadn’t found the fish yet, so we opted to move further down the island and set up camp. The weather was nice, water was great and finger mullet were thick along the beach front.

Nice slot red on the beach
dad and bull red
Dad with a Matagorda Beach Bull Red

The conditions were set up nice for good fishing and a great time. As it turned out, the fishing was good, not great, but we did manage to catch a few slot redfish and the usual whiting. There were lots of lady fish (skip jack) that were fun to catch on light tackle, and they make good cut bait as well. In fact, that’s what we used to catch the redfish.

Fishing PINS
Setting the long rods

We came back with enough fish for a family fish fry and more great memories of another trip down Padre Island National Seashore. Gerry got to play around with his drone, and as you can see, took some great aerial photos of the trip.

dad fishing the first gut
Dad working the first gut

It’s Not Only About the Fishing

Like most of our trips, it’s not just about the fishing, but more about the time spent together with family and friends. Sharing stories of past trips around camp. Planning and dreaming about future trips, with a few cold adult beverages mixed in just to spice up the stories 😉

dad and gerry gerwick
Swapping fishing stories

Camping on the beach under the stars and away from the noise and distractions of the city and work, is a great way to chill out and relax. Relieve the stresses and forget about all the worries of the world. Plus, the added benefit of spending time with family and friends in the outdoors. Catching fish just becomes a bonus, and is always a good thing, but not the most important thing by far.

fishing PINS
Gerry Gerwick getting in on the action

Make as Many Memories as You Can

Life is shore, so make the most out of your time. The older you get, the more you start to realize just how short it can be. If you get a chance, take that fishing trip. When you’re old and gray I’m betting you won’t be sitting around wishing you had spent more time at work. So, before it’s too late, take dad fishing.

dad fishing PINS
Dad and his trusty gold spoon

Make memories, have fun, enjoy life and the time outdoors. Go as often as you can, and even when you think you can’t, because one day all too soon, you really won’t be able to go anymore. Be safe, and enjoy the journey. As always, please try to leave it cleaner than you found it. Good luck, Good fishing, and more importantly make some great memories.

Texas wintertime surf fishing
A beautiful winter day on Padre Island National Seashore Texas

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please leave them in the comment section below and I’ll get right back to you. You can follow me on Facebook: Rex the Beach Angler, Twitter: @anglerbeach and Instagram: thebeachangler7.

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